Sunday, July 5, 2009

Before & After



After 14 1/2 hours of labor, 2 1/2 hours of pushing, baby Isla (pronounced Eye-la) Marie was born on June 11th at 2:34 am. Words can't describe what I felt when I saw my baby for the first time. I was in love the minute I set eyes on her and i knew my life had changed forever!

As you can tell by my ugly "after" pictures I was tired and hungry but it was all worth it....especially the ice chips! (but i did have my demands after having Isla.... i wanted my chicken fingers and fries!)


The Larsen Life said...

hahahahaha I LOVE your after pictures!!! You should see mine after I had Elena. I went to the hospital all done up with my make up on and hair done. By the end, all my mascara had run and it looked like I had 2 black eyes...and my hair was going in every direction. Gotta love labor and delivery!

John and Jessica said...

I had to giggle a little at the after pictures... 1) you don't look UGLY, you're still as gorgeous as ever 2) mine after Max look quite similar, all done up pre... not so done up after. Labor and delivery is the hardest, but SO fulfilling. I love it!

monica said...

wow Marjorie! Congratulations!
your baby girl is so beautiful. And I have to agree with all the previous comments you still looked good after 14 1/2 hours of labor (I was a little shocked when I read that hehe).
Un beso enorme para ti y para baby Isla :)